In addition to being a nuisance to swine and an operation’s employees, new research has confirmed that flies transmit diseases to swine. Flies are a serious threat to swine health and profitability, and need to be treated as such.
Dr. Grant Allison with the Walcott Vet Clinic in Walcott, Iowa says fly control for swine requires an “all or nothing” approach. This calls for a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) approach that attacks flies both above and below the slats.
Below the Slats
An effective fly control program starts below the slats, in the manure pit. This is where flies lay eggs and fly larvae develop, and its where fly control for swine needs to start. The most effective way to treat this manure directly is with ClariFly® Larvicide, a feed-through larvicide that is included in swine feed. The active ingredient passes through the animals and is deposited directly into the manure where it prevents the development of up to 96.7% of house flies in treated manure.
Above the Slats
For the existing fly populations around swine, a good mix of products is key to achieving effective fly control. The Starbar® Products lineup of solutions has a variety of baits, traps and sprays to assist with controlling adult flies around swine.
Golden® Malrin Fly Bait, Quikstrike® Fly Bait and the recently introduced Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait can be used in rotation for effective control of flies with less chance for resistance. Starbar also offers a wide range of fly traps for swine– including odor-free solutions for enclosed spaces – that can help control and monitor fly populations.
Protecting your swine from disease-carrying flies will require a comprehensive effort designed to attack the pests both above and below the slats on your operation. To help build your IPM program for swine, download our "Insect Control Resource Guide: Swine Edition".